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Creating Community Maps

To Build Collaborative Learning Communities.

Assessing community assets to support resilient community development.

Meaningful Livelihoods;
Our Work

“Communities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.”

― Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities

I can't believe how much better I feel!

Greg Pardon

Incredible transformation and I feel so healthy!

Christina Goldman
Our Environment, Our Place

If you love nature, stay the heck away from it. Live in a city, the denser the better.

Jeff Speck, Urban Planner

Find Out More

Defining Characteristics of a Resilient & Sustainable Community

All individuals and societies face challenges - be they environmental, economic, cultural or social - and must respond to change. How each prepares for and responds to these challenges is often as important as the solution that is implemented. Resilient communities recognize the importance of addressing issues of sustainability, inclusion, social justice and equity as they strive to create solutions.

Fostering Lifelong Learning

Learning communities devise ways of bringing learning and people together, in order to develop the social and economic fabric of the community.

Wellbeing, Active Living & Healthy Communities

Designing walkable communities promotes physical activity while encouraging people to gather and connect thus building vibrant communities & supporting wellness.

Placemaking, Cohesion & Inclusion

Great social spaces draw people together, enhancing social cohesion. Through democratic participation in community building we can reduce inequality & create inclusive societies.


Civic Engagement, Sharing & Caring

Communities can draw upon social capital and civic engagement to enhance social safety nets; driving community building via a philosophy of sharing & caring.

Cultivating a Culturally Vibrant Community

Cultural Planning is essential to the development of a vibrant and prosperous community. Celebrating natural & cultural diversity, creativity & an appreciation for the arts.

Fostering a Local Food Movement

Envision a just and vibrant local food system that creates economic opportunties, nurtures a healthy food culture, celebrates diversity and ensures that nutritious food is accessible to everyone.

Shelter for Everyone

Promote a wildly diverse mix of alternative housing types and living arrangements, support affordable housing & social housing. Promote green building techniques to develop appropriate shelter for a post carbon future.

Meaningful Work & Community Economic Development

Increase the diversity of local economies and the degree of local ownership that equitably distributes the benefits and the duties.Promote reinvestment in the local community.

EcoLogic Community Design for Livability

Mix land-uses, increase density and create walkable communities that provides access to transit. Create an ecological infrastructure based on living systems that protects water, & reduces waste, materials & energy.

Energy Security

Generate energy using renewable sources and through good design and careful use meet fundamental needs and provide the same level of service with two to ten times less resource use.


Working together to map our place, tell our stories and find creative ways to enhance the adaptive capacity of our communities to achieve resilience.

Heritage Advocate

Inventorying & Celebrating Our Built Heritage
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Ben Adamson

Mapping Participant


Promotes Participatory GIS in the Civic Engagment Movement
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Ed Symons

Geomatics Instructor, COGS/NSCC

Social Activist

Helping to Build a Sustainable Community Food System
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John Phillips

Mapping Participant

Community Maps

Asset Based Community Development and Sustainability Indicators to foster resilient communities!

Community Assets


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  • Identifies community assets and strengths
  • Mobilizes individual and community assets, skills and passions
  • Community driven – ‘building communities from the inside out’
  • It is relationship driven.

Sustainability Indicators

That help foster Resilience

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  • Foster flexibility and redundancy to ensure systems functions
  • Build local & regional self reliance
  • Empower individuals & communities to control their well-being
  • Create diverse & accessible forms of livelihoods & local wealth ownership
  • Forge valued trusting partnership amongst a flexible network of people
  • Facilitate continuous learning, adaptation, knowledge sharing & innovation